What is your answer when you are asked "What is Bullying?" Well, depending on the time you were asked and the person you were asking, the answer can vary greatly. If you were to ask someone in the late 16th century, you would get an answer like "A lover", but if you asked someone now a days, many people would probably say something close to verbal and/or physical abuse to another person... The definition you will find in a dictionary is "a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker." (Since the term is bullying, I cannot get an actually dictionary definition for the word "bullying", but I can make an educated summation/guess on what a dictionary definition of bullying is.)
Bullying is a world wide problem. It doesn't just happen in America, this means there should be a solution that can suit the needs world wide. This leads to the bigger picture... Awareness. There are many advertisements, websites, and speakers who talk about bullying and pump people up to try to stop it. Unfortunately, this enthusiasm only goes so far. After a while, most of these over joyed people lose that edge and just give up on trying to fix this giant problem. Sadly, this leads to many failed attempts at stopping this growing problem. Bullying can be stopped, but there has to be a solution.
What are some common "solutions" used in schools now? Well, one is for the teachers and employees to keep a look out for bullying. That doesn't do much, because not all bullying is shown in public. Many bullies, like most things in the world right now, are switching to virtual. Just like snail mail and shopping, bullying has gone via the interwebs. This makes it extremely hard for teachers to help, and parents have just as hard of a time monitoring everything their child does online, because they want them to have some privacy. This is not an effective solution! If bullying is occuring online or even at school, and the teachers/parents don't catch it, then the only way the victim can be helped is if they tell a teacher or parent. Most victims are too afraid to say anything about it, so they let it continue until it gets completely unbearable. That is why this is not a good way to stop bullying.
I think, personally, a good way to stop bullying is to always have a positive atmosphere, have smaller classes, try to have a councilor talk to students on a more frequent bases, and inform students (parents and teachers too!) about bullying and effective ways to prevent it. A positive atmosphere will help students feel better and lift their moods. This, in turn, will make the students get along better. If the classes are smaller, it is easier to get to know and understand your classmates. When I went to the public schools in my city, I didn't feel connected or comfortable around any of my class mates. I hated to even talk because I felt like I would be judged. Once I switched to my current school, I felt like I could say anything (school appropriate), and no one would judge me. I wouldn't be the weird girl who liked manga and drew penguins with mustaches. I would be the creative artist who could draw a killer cute penguin and some adorable chibi! The smaller classroom sort of gives the students, and even teachers, a feel of home and security. This can help class mates to understand each other and, in turn, prevent bullying. If a student frequently speaks to their school councilor, or even their own therapist, it will help them be able to work out those problems that might make them want to abuse others (verbally or physically). A lot of the things that drive people to bully others is their home situations, and many kids don't have people they feel they can trust and talk to, but if the councilor frequently pulls the students and talks to them about their problems and how to cope with them, then it will help both them, and hopefully help prevent them becoming a bully in the future. The last thing I feel is extremely important is to create and environment that expresses how bullying is wrong, and explains why bully prevention is a good thing. We want each and every student to understand bullying, and to try to help stop it. This will help them be able to turn around and pass on that lesson to other students, and it will become a cycle. I feel that these four things are vital to ending bullying.
Anyways, this topic came to my mind because this month is National Bullying
Prevention Month. Also, next Wednesday, October 13th, is Unity Day. This is
the day that people wear orange to show their support for bullying
prevention. It is also to raise awareness of bullying. So, I can only hope you wear something orange on Unity Day! :) Talk to you next time! :D